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What they say

Hundreds of clinicians, PT’s, OT’s, Doctors… have already adopted our solutions to treat thousands of patients around the world.
Find testimonials from our already equipped practitioners.
Check out also some patients’ feedbacks about the treatment they got with Virtualis solutions.
More than 900 Clinics equipped around the world.
The best thing is to listen to what they think and why they are convinced!
Patchwork photo équipe Virtualis avec objets rééducation et Réalité Virtuelle

More than 900 Clinics equipped
around the world

The best thing is to listen to what they think and why they are convinced!
Casque de Réalité Virtuelle Virtualis vue de profil
Casque de Réalité Virtuelle Virtualis vue de profil
Muriel Cheron
Physical Therapist, La Garde (83), France

"In relation to my practice, VR has allowed me to work in addition to my usual methods. I can also work solely with Virtual Reality to correctly reharmonize the movements of my patients."

Benoit Faucher
Physical Therapist, Trentels (47), France

“Patients perceive Virtual Reality in a fun way. It allows them to defocus from their pain and concentrate on their goal. This helps them a lot in treating pain.”

Dominique Gerbaulet
Physical Therapist, Toulouse (31), France

"MotionVR is a truly dynamic platform in all spatial planes. It is the transition from softness to firmness of its responsiveness that interested me. I would recommend its use in Vestibular Rehabilitation, oto-neuro, geriatrics and in Functional Rehabilitation!”

Mike Strakal
Physiotherapist/Founder & Co-manager of 2 Fyzical Therapy & Balance Centers - Oklahoma, US

"In my opinion, the system is phenomenal and we have really incorporated it almost into our practice full time. Essentially what it does is it gives the patients a much different perspective on the use of the vestibular ocular reflex and the vestibular spinal reflex."

Patricia Kalenga
PT, Condé-sur-l’Escaut (59), France
"A patient had difficulty moving, she needed walking assistance over a very limited area. She was prescribed a rollator and Physical Therapy sessions. Today, she stands much straighter and can stand without pain a 30-minute Rehabilitation session without standing, which was difficult to imagine at the start of Rehabilitation."
Hafida Touzani
PT, Port-La-Nouvelle (11), France
“We immersed a hemiplegic patient in a Virtual Reality activity requiring the use of both hands. After a 30-minute session, he had already regained sensations in one of his paralyzed hands!”
Claire Hirigoyen
Sports PT, Eaubonne (95), France
“The 3 key benefits of using VR are the capacity for immersion and therefore distraction, the fun side and its quantification (in degree/load on the platform).”
Patient with Balance Disorders
“Before my VR sessions, I was not able to walk if I looked anywhere other than in front of me. Now I can look at the surrounding landscapes without problem!”
Thomas Rousset
PT, Nay (64), France
"VR has become essential in my daily life as a Physical Therapist. The possibilities and diversity of the solutions offered are impressive. Perfect for personalized work that complements usual techniques."
Stéphane Fabri
PT, Castelnau-le-Lez (34), France
“Virtual Reality, for me, is really the 4th step today: it is added to the structure, the joint wholeness and the posture to form the 4th step which was missing to reach the brain.”

Patients share
their VR experiences!

800,000 patients already treated around the world and who share their care journey in practices or centers equipped with VR solutions according to Virtualis.
Faster and lasting recovery
The variety of exercises which avoids a loss of motivation and involvement over the sessions.
The possibility of seeing their results with scores to achieve, they see their progress in a concrete way.
Feeling like they were able to do more than they thought they could.
The fun and immersive side of VR which motivates them to do all their sessions rigorously.
Patient suffering from Neuroalgodystrophy

“It was after the 4-5th session that I realized that I no longer had any pain in my hand, neither during the day nor at night […]. I feel calm!”

Patient with Hemiplegia
Patient treated with Pr. Libois, Neurologist, Belgium

“Mirror Therapy allows me to find my hand […]. I make my brain aware that I have a left side.”

Explore oursolutions

For each patient, Virtualis offers a suitable therapeutic solution.
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Casque de Réalité Virtuelle Virtualis vue de face