
Dynamic Rehabilitation
Force plate & CDP

Dynamic,immersive and optimized rehabilitation.
Kiné avec femme patiente sur plateforme dynamique rééducation avec casque VR

10 years of R&D with worldwilde clinicians experts,
1 huge step forward for rehabilitation

Multiple applications :
Traumatology, Posture, Orthopedics, Proprioception, Rehabilitation and Athlete Performance, Neurology, Balance, Vestibular, Motion Sickness...
360° smooth moving dynamic Force plate
Up/down,anterio/posterior, linear and lateral translations (with MotionVR+ model) for a physiological rehabilitation
Customizable settings for optimal progress:
Quantity of movements, speed and amplitude adjustable per axis, open new perspectives for progressive and optimized rehabilitation
Precise and instant analysis of posture and balance:
Sensory organization test (SOT), Wavelet analyses, polar representation of movement, Distribution of supports, Limits of Stability (LOS), Analysis of stability in unipodal support, Objectivation of postural deviations...
Varied rehabilitation protocols and real-time adaptation:
Real-time adaptation of settings, sequence of sessions with break times. Work in dual tasks and in controlled autonomy. Quantification of support: assessments and monitoring of progress
Immersive and entertaining dimension of VR:
Increased patient motivation leading to greater implication  in their rehabilitation and faster results
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World’s 1st 360° Dynamic Rehabilitation Force plate & CDP

MotionVR treats:

Amplitude, vitesse, force, proprioception se travaillent efficacement et durablement avec la réalité virtuelle.

Amplitude,vitesse, force, proprioception se travaillent efficacement et durablement avec la Réalité Virtuelle.Le patient respecte un plan de travail analytique ou travaille de façon fonctionnelleen chaîne ouverte ou également en chaine fermée. La proprioception sera automatiquement travaillée et ainsi améliorée mais peut aussi être travaillée de façon spécifique.

  • Prothèses de hanches / de genoux
  • Ligamentoplasties
  • Entorses
  • Arthroses
  • Fractures
  • ...
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Amplitude,vitesse, force, proprioception se travaillent efficacement et durablement avec la Réalité Virtuelle.Le patient respecte un plan de travail analytique ou travaille de façon fonctionnelleen chaîne ouverte ou également en chaine fermée. La proprioception sera automatiquement travaillée et ainsi améliorée mais peut aussi être travaillée de façon spécifique.

  • Prothèses de hanches / de genoux
  • Ligamentoplasties
  • Entorses
  • Arthroses
  • Fractures
  • ...
Strengthening, mobilization, transfer of support and proprioception

MotionVR allows the work of the LE in a dynamic and ecological way using the movements of the 360° andup and down force plate. Have your patients working on their Center of Pressure (CoP) such as closed chain strengthening or even support recovery. With MotionVR force plate you record the statokinesiogram during proprioception work.

  • Fractures
  • Hip/knee prostheses
  • Ligamentoplasties
  • Sprains
  • Neurology
Progressive and controlled mobilization

By offering a fully controlled mobilization from the supports, MotionVR allows movement recovery, the strengthening of the deep muscles and the proprioception work of the spine.

Our dynamic platform, combined with VR, provides an immersive dimension and the possibility to isolate the 3 sensory inputs: vision, hearing and also somesthesia.

  • Low back pain
  • Scoliosis
  • Herniated disc
MotionVR is a real asset to treat patients with neurological indications/pathologies

By assessing the balance strategy and postural control of your patients will allow you to define the precise rehabilitation protocol to provide. The progressive mobilization of the patient on the dynamic force plate and the possibility to work in dual tasks combined with VR offer a physiological rehabilitation tailored to each patient’s conditions.

  • Hemiplegia
  • Multiple Sclerosis
  • Parkinson
  • Cerebellar disease
Responsiveness and double duty

The amplitude and speed of the MotionVR force plate make it a tool of choice to support athletes in their physical preparation but also, in the event of an injury, in their specific rehabilitation.

The strengthening, stretching and proprioception work is optimized and quantified for professional or amateur athletes. MotionVR also allows you to work on reactivity and dual tasks to improve the performance and decision-making of athletes.

  • Sports rehabilitation
  • Reathletics
  • Physical preparation
  • From the injury to return to practice
Physiological and progressive rehabilitation

The dynamic MotionVR platform is the Must-Have device for the treatment of Balance or Vestibular Disorders. MotionVR has 2 separated force plates with 8 sensors to carry out precise assessments of balance strategy and postural control. MotionVR is the only tool that allows you to make a 360° assessment of sensory organization with both the possibility of vision controlled by head movements and the ground controlled by supports in all directions.

The visual stimulations and the smooth moving of the plate provide an ecological and dynamic rehabilitation while controlling the achievement of therapeutic objectives. Associated with VR, the different balance sensory inputs can be worked on even being isolated.

  • PPPD
  • Visual dependence
  • Elderly people dizziness
  • Rehabilitation follow-up for BPPV and Meniere's syndromes
  • Motion Sickness
A complete rehabilitation

Many patients suffering from disorders related to motion sickness now have a therapeutic solution to return to their activities or a pleasant daily life.

Naupathies benefit, thanks to MotionVR, from physiological rehabilitation by putting patients in visual and somatic conditions very close to those experienced on a boat (seasickness). The multitude of settings allows the progressive desensitization of the patient by working on the concordance of sensory inputs.

Whatever the symptoms associated with motion sickness, recording the center of pressure (CoP) makes it possible to establish assessments and choose the relevant rehabilitation exercises. MotionVR with integrated VR allows the work of each sensory input and restores their proper functioning: vision, vestibule, somesthesia/proprioception.

  • Motion sickness, naupathies
  • Cybersickness, cyberkinetosis
  • Nausea, discomfort, dizziness, vertigo

Why choosing us?

VR by Virtualis: a real benefit for the patient and the therapist
Therapeutic innovation developed by Health Professionals for Health Professionals
Immersive and fun entertaining dimension of VR (increased patient motivation and engagement)
Faster and sustainable outcomes
Real-time adaptation and easy to use
Better pain and Kinesiophobia management
Optimization and highlighting of your expertise (easy and fast reports, varied rehabilitation protocols, better planning management)
Une patiente équipée du casque de réalité virtuelle Virtualis en mouvement.
Flèche Virtualis

A question ?

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We are here to answer them
Is VR gaming?
Why VR makes rehabilitation faster ?
What is the benefits of rehabilitation platforms?
What is VR?

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For each patient, Virtualis offers a suitable therapeutic solution.
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