VR, a Must Have for Balance
& Vestibular disorders

VR is often seen as a way to take care of a patient through the entrance visual.
If the management of visual dependence seems obvious, VR, Virtual Reality, allows in addition, to stimulate the vestibular system (after neuritis for example), by means of head movements (Vestibulo-Ocular Reflex and Vestibulo-Spinal) active by controlling speed and amplitude.
71% of Vestibular PTs equipped with VR could not do without anymore.**
BalanceVR treats:

Amplitude,vitesse, force, proprioception se travaillent efficacement et durablement avec la Réalité Virtuelle.Le patient respecte un plan de travail analytique ou travaille de façon fonctionnelleen chaîne ouverte ou également en chaine fermée. La proprioception sera automatiquement travaillée et ainsi améliorée mais peut aussi être travaillée de façon spécifique.
- Prothèses de hanches / de genoux
- Ligamentoplasties
- Entorses
- Arthroses
- Fractures
- ...

Amplitude,vitesse, force, proprioception se travaillent efficacement et durablement avec la Réalité Virtuelle.Le patient respecte un plan de travail analytique ou travaille de façon fonctionnelleen chaîne ouverte ou également en chaine fermée. La proprioception sera automatiquement travaillée et ainsi améliorée mais peut aussi être travaillée de façon spécifique.
- Prothèses de hanches / de genoux
- Ligamentoplasties
- Entorses
- Arthroses
- Fractures
- ...
Go further with BalanceVR

force plates

Dynamic force plate

Why choosing us?

A question ?
What are the benefits of a rehabilitation force plate with integrated VR? Objectively analyze the supports of your patients in physiological conditions is key during a rehabilitation treatment (limits of stability, unilateral stance, weight distribution…). Virtualis Dynamic and Static rehabilitation force plates, MotionVR and StaticVR, will enable you to measure the global balance strategy (LOS, Adaptation Test, Motor Control Test, SOT…) and then provide with the best rehabilitation protocol. Force plates + VR = the win win combo
The immersive and fun dimension of VR significantly increase the motivation and engagement of your patients. The diversion of attention of your patients thanks to VR, keeps them focused on the task to achieve and not on their pain or pathology: greater outcomes come faster! The real time adaption of the solution depending on the patient condition enable a precise, efficient and sustainable recovery.
Absolutely not. Our solution is for therapeutic purposes. Designed and developed by Health Professionals, it is aimed directly at Health Professionals: Physical Therapists, Occupational Therapists, Doctors, Physiatrists, ENTs, Audiologists... Our tool does not replace your expertise or your know-how, it's a complementary device. It must not be used without the assistance of a Healthcare Professional. Virtualis products are a CE, Class 1 and FDA certified Medical Device. Read the instructions before use.

Try our BalanceVR solution
The Virtualis team will be very pleased to help you and to answer your request if you are located in France and in some of the French-speaking border countries*.
Virtualis is part of Interacoustics, and benefits from its worldwide distribution network.
Please fill in the form below and we will forward your request to the Interacoustics team and its local representatives who will be pleased to answer all your requests.
*For the list of the French-speaking border countries, simply ask us: contact@virtualisvr.com